How to use the keywords report to improve SEO performance

The keywords report provides valuable insights to help guide your ongoing SEO strategy. 

Analyze keywords to find opportunities to:

Improve Low Ranking Keywords

  1. Filter by position 8-10 and 11-20
  2. Evaluate page content relevance and competitiveness of each keyword
  3. Identify pages with opportunities to expand content or make it more unique
  4. Research top-ranking pages for those keywords for ideas
  5. Add/improve content, internal links, and keyword targeting
  6. Monitor for ranking and traffic improvements

Target High Traffic/Value Keywords

  1. Filter by minimum estimated traffic/CPC value thresholds
  2. Research top ranking pages again for content ideas
  3. Assess if your pages could better target those keywords
  4. Develop new content optimized for identified target keywords
  5. Promote content internally and through link building
  6. Monitor keyword rankings and traffic over time

Identify Keyword Gaps

  1. Note keywords your site does not currently rank for
  2. Research top pages and do competitor analysis for those keywords
  3. Identify relevant target keywords to develop new content for
  4. Create pages optimized for the target keywords
  5. Promote pages through internal and external linking
  6. Track if pages begin ranking for target keywords

Analyze Competitor Keywords

  1. Filter for keywords competitors outrank you on
  2. Analyze top competitors' pages that rank for those keywords
  3. Identify any on-page SEO gaps to address on your own pages
  4. Make improvements such as content, keywords, links, etc.
  5. Monitor if rankings/traffic increase for your improved pages
  6. By following these step-by-step processes, you can continuously improve your organic visibility and performance.

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